Krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad
Krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad

krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad

The Rishi was not the individual composer of the hymn, but the seer of an eternal truth and an impersonal knowledge. Indian tradition has faithfully preserved this account of the origin of the Vedas.

krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad

Their aim was illumination, not logical conviction, their ideal the inspired seer, not the accurate reasoner. The wisest then depended on inner experience and the suggestions of the intuitive mind for all knowledge that ranged beyond mankind’s ordinary perceptions and daily activities.

krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad

VEDA is the creation of an age anterior to our intellectual philosophies. Man and the world and its principles and powers in their most essential, their profoundest and most intimate and their most ample realities, – highest mysteries and clarities vividly seen in an irresistible, an un-walled perception that has got through the intuitive and psychological to the sheer spiritual vision. They come in as accompaniment or undertone, reveal in a unique kind of poetry the ultimate and unsurpassable truths of self and God. The Veda gave us the first types and figures of these things as seen and formed by an imaged spiritual intuition and psychological and religious experience the Upanishads constantly breaking through and beyond form and symbol and image without entirely abandoning them. The two first are the visible foundation of her spiritual and religious being others were a large creative interpretation of her greatest period of life, of the ideas that informed and the ideals that governed it and the figures in which she saw man and Nature and God and the powers of the universe. The heroic action and creation which founded and traced the plan and made the permanent structure of her unique culture and civilization, is represented by four of the supreme productions of her genius, the Veda, the Upanishads and the two vast epics, and each of them is of a kind, a form and an intention not easily paralleled in any other literature. The early mind of India in the magnificent youth of the nation, a fathomless spiritual insight was at work, a subtle intuitive vision and a deep, clear and greatly outlined intellectual and ethical thinking. Its quality and character would be of itself a sufficient evidence of the character and quality of the race whose mind it expressed and the culture of which it was the reflecting medium.


It is also at once majestic and sweet and flexible, strong and clearly-formed and full and vibrant and subtle. It is the most perfect and wonderfully sufficient literary instruments developed by the human mind.

krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad

The language itself, is one of the most magnificent. In their potent originality and force and beauty, in their substance and art and structure, in grandeur and justice and charm of speech and in the height and width of the reach of their spirit stand very clearly in the hierarchical order of world’s great literatures. The ancient and classical creations of the Sanskrit language both in quality and in body and abundance of excellence stand very evidently in the front rank among the world’s great literature. If we ask what in both these respects is the achievement of the Indian mind as it has come down to us in the Sanskrit and other literatures, we might surely say that here at least there is little room for any just decline and denial even by a mind the most disposed to quarrel with the effect on life and the character of the culture. It helps to bring out and raise the soul and life or the living and the ideal mind of a people in an age and a culture through the genius of some of its greatest or most sensitive representative spirits. The greatness of a literature lies first in the greatness and worth of its substance the value of its thought and the beauty of its forms in the degree to which, it is satisfying the highest conditions of the art of speech. This is the richest and loftiest study possible in the world it has been the comfort of my life, and will be the comfort of my death.”-Schopenhauer. “From every page of the Upanishads, deep, original, lofty thoughts step forth to meet us while a high and holy earnestness breathes over all.

Krishna yajur veda taittiriya upanishad